A goer
An extra miler
An Activist per excellence
A mother;The flower of Ale Iwere.
A mother;The flower of Ale Iwere.
Our Ace, A Watcher woman; The Pride of all Itsekiri.
A flag bearer; A living Legend; A giant from the Swamps.
A flag bearer; A living Legend; A giant from the Swamps.
Chief Mama Rita Lori-Ogbebor; The Warrior who confronts intruders with a very sharp sword, but executes her domestic fights with a blunt sword.
With Great Joy In My Heart I Write Again to Celebrate an ICON in My time,MAMA of the Itsekiri Nation.
WE ITSEKIRIS are the present day Israelites in Nigeria. As the Almighty God used Esther to fight for the children of Isreal and became victorious.we PRAY that the Almighty God as HE used Esther to fight for the children of Israel, will give you the grace and strength to fulfill God purpose in your life and the WARRI KINGDOM like the Esther in the Holy Bible.You will not fail, God will guide you always.
WE DECREE BY THE POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY GOD- That the land you walk on will always produce blessings because you are a blessing to WARRI KINGDOM, The sky above you will release happiness over your life cus you bring Joy to Warri KINGDOM. The breeze around you will blow peace,Every step you take will bring fulfilment.\
May HE who raised heavens without pillars and built the universe without bricks bless, protect and sustain you in Jesus Name. If you agree with the DECREES over our dear mother, TYPE AMEN.
Sometime ago this beautiful Woman provided Shelter in big warri to Cater for Thousands of Visitors that will be visiting our ancestral home,people insulted her and even said she misplaced priority in scheme of what we wanted in Ode-Itsekiri,but today,that same structure became a HUB/RESTING BAY from the scorching SUN,became a mini Mart for sellers,became a barbing saloon,the list is endless,these people became financial independent no matter how small the income they Made,invariably the structure was not a waste but a blessing because these people who used these structure did not need to go begging leaders for Money.
Today in the Present time,Chief Rita Lori is once again FIGHTING for the territorial Land Mass and space for the entire ITSEKIRI NATION,as this will benefit itsekiri both LOCAL and in DIASPORA ,THE ILLEGAL RELOCATION OF WARRI SW LGA HQTR FROM OGIDIGBEN TO OGBE IJAW,she fights not because she will be a DIRECT beneficiary or for her selfish gain.
I Employ all ITSEKIRIS who are currently pouring Sweet smelling accolades on MAMA to stand by her in the quest to see a better Itsekiri,mama will continue to stand for Equity for all itsekiri Son's and daughter rather than a few controlling the resources of Many.
God bless IROJOWO.

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