Itsekiri nation, warri kingdom which was the most enviable kingdom in the Niger delta has now turned our prestigious palace into a chieftaincy stock market where money, fame and power are now use to exchange titles which usually were given to individuals with merits, credibility and those who deserve to be called Chiefs. Itsekiri now selling chieftaincies to highest bidders as shares to politicians and if care not taking the palace will be turned into a political assembly.
Former governor Emmanuel Udughan and Mrs Tinubu for chieftaincy in warri kingdom and Ayiri is likely to be the next Ologbotsere of warri kingdom. An arrangement already perfected while some of their media dogs are trying to distract the polity so, that a lot of Itsekiri will not be inform. And by the time they will be confirming the story it will be too late.
Itsekiri most dangerous enemies and threat to our sustainability isnt actually neighbors surrounding us but, those brothers within us.
It may sound fictions to hear that, not all claiming to be itsekiri by birth are itsekiris by heart and soul even though they knows the traditions more than others. Most of these so called progressives are hybrids creatures created to destroy this kingdom in exchange for peanuts (their share of the cake).
Many people are attacking me for speaking against the evil and crafty agendas of their bosses who are Itsekiri so called high and mighty leaders, elders and youths even some from the palace.
They have tried in so many ways to paint me bad and then project me as an enemy of the kingdom by sayings I shouldn't speak about our kingdom affairs on social media which in the revolution of technology is the best and most easiest way to share informations so that a lot of people can be inform. My silence and minding of my business according to one of their loyalist will enable them capture the kingdom secretly and then turns us into their slaves. (that's my view to it).
If I should go to the palace, will my warning or advice be taken seriously in the presence of Chief Ayiri emami and Prince yemi Emiko who now have a strong manipulative influence in the palace?
How can the unsuspecting itsekiri be inform of what's is actually happening in the kingdom if I remain silent? And won't they (the manipulator who are the desperadoes shut me up or silent me forever?
Note that knowledge is power and ignorance comes with a very heavy price and devastating consequences.
While some of us are fighting day and night risking our opportunities, chances, safety and liberty to sustain our kingdom and her respect by ensuring we are not made enslaves by tyrants in our kingdom disguising to be leaders and Chiefs which their loyalist are struggling to rubbish our efforts and then promote the evil ambitions of their desperate bosses.
Itsekiris should be careful and be smart. Some of us are willing and ready to sacrifice our lives for the kingdom to reign forever by ensuring the kingdom which our forefathers left behind for our fathers is not destroyed in our hands. But, some youths due to their greed and selfishness do not mind if they sell every land left and then relocate to lekki or America and maybe Lebanese to start their lives.
I'm not interested in blackmailing anyone just because I want to bring down anyone as no one is a rival or perceived threat to to me so, I'm not in any competition with anyone.
Information available to me from reliable sources has it that some of the most desperate, selfish, crafty and wicked Itsekiri youths in the persons of Samuel Meyiwa aka SMK and his associate David Odeli of Ayiri emami camp are going about seeking allegiance with some itsekiri youths not expose, support the truth or speak anything against their boss Ayiri and then gave list of names of those they should be attacking and that they should be writing good and sweet lies about them including Esimaje awani. My question is ' Why buying people's support if you worthy?
Note that the Ayiri emami Ologbotsere tittle ambition that seems to be laid to rest is still very much awake but, they only laid it just to calm the polity while they perfect their plans and before we will hear it again it maybe too late.
Information also has it that Ayiri emami has turned the palace into a business centre where titles are being sold to politicians.
Hmmm this sounds somehow? But, that's the truth. As we are fighting endless they are people ready to destroy the Itsekiri nation and they had nothing to lose but with the peanut they will get from their bosses and powers that will be allocated to them as many have been marked for political offices as local government chairmen, councilors, house of reps members and community chairpersons. They are desperate to have their share of the kingdom and do not care what is left for the next generation.
Charles Eyimofe Pemu.
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